Transamin Injection

Transamin Injection Special Precautions

tranexamic acid


Daiichi Sankyo


Zuellig Pharma
Full Prescribing Info
Special Precautions
Careful Administration (Transamin should be administered with care in the following patients): (1) Patients with thrombosis (e.g., cerebral thrombosis, myocardial infarction or thrombophlebitis, etc.) and patients at risk of thrombosis [Transamin may stabilize thrombosis].
(2) Patients with consumption coagulopathy (Use concomitantly with heparin, etc.) [Transamin may stabilize thrombosis].
(3) Postoperative, recumbent ridden patients and patients undergoing astriction [Venous thrombosis is likely to occur in these patients, and Transamin may stabilize thrombosis. Pulmonary embolism has been reported in association with resolution of recumbency or removal of astriction].
(4) Patients with renal failure [Blood concentration may increase].
Precautions concerning Use: (1) Precautions for intravenous administration: With regard to intravenous administration, inject the drug slowly. (Symptoms such as nausea, chest discomfort, palpitations and a fall in blood pressure may rarely occur.)
(2) Precautions for intramuscular administration: With regard to intramuscular injection, pay careful attention to the following points to avoid injuring tissues, nerves, etc.: 1) Inject the drug carefully to avoid contact with nerves.
2) If repeated injection is required, change the injection site (e.g. alternate between the right and left arms).
Special care should be observed when the drug is administered to premature infants, newborns, suckling infants and children.
3) If insertion of the injection needle induces intense pain or if blood flows back into the syringe, withdraw the needle immediately and perform injection at a different site.
(3) Precautions when opening the ampoule: To avoid contamination with foreign matter, wipe them off with an alcohol swab before opening the ampoule.
Other Precautions: Retinal degeneration has been reported with Tranexamic acid in dogs after long-term, high-dose administration.
Use in Pregnancy & Lactation: No safety information.
Use in the Elderly: Since elderly patients often have reduced physiological function, careful supervision and measures such as reducing the dose are recommended.
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